It’s no secret I’m a big fan of using personality assessments and similar tools in order to improve my communication and other interpersonal skills, especially when it comes to working with my team. So I got to wondering… What if Money took the Clifton StrengthsFinder test? Which strengths would it have in order to make it the best member of your support team? 

Naturally, I had to see this through… and so I have done the work for both of us and identified the strengths Money has that truly makes it our business’s BEST team member.

Before I get into my findings, I’m curious… What would you choose as Money’s top strength? 

Maybe Consistency or Maximizer. How about Strategic or Adaptability?

Once you can identify the strengths of Money, then you can create a new emotional connection to Money, one that is supportive, reliable, and abundant! 

As you read through the strengths I’ve selected, take a moment and ask yourself - is this a strength that I want my BEST team member, Money, to have? If you have a different opinion, let’s chat!


I know, you were expecting me to choose Consistency as Money’s number one strength. To be honest, that’s where my mind went first. But team members with strong Consistency strengths are more about how they treat others, and not about how they show up. 

With that in mind, I think the strongest strength that Money can bring to our business needs to be around Relationship Building. Team members with a strong Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others, as in they find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal. (Thanks to the book, StrengthsFinder 2.0 for that explanation.)

A team member with the Relator strength shows up as:

  • A giver, not a taker. A Relator must ensure that their energetic inflow keeps up with the rapid outflow. They need to be around others that fulfill them and doing so gives them more energy to share with others.

  • Relator’s love stability and look to form long-term close friendships. They require ongoing mutual support, understanding, and stability.

  • One-on-one time with the key people in their lives is essential and helps solidify relationships.

How do you lead a team member with Relator as a top strength?

Help Money to identify the goal they are helping you achieve (develop a financial plan so they know what you are working towards). Once they understand your desire, aspirations, and where you are heading they can connect fully with their purpose.

Tap into that natural gift of generosity that Money possesses. Make sure to draw Money’s attention to it and show them how that strength helps them influence and connect with you and the rest of the team. Money will appreciate that you noticed and it will strengthen your bond.


Team members with a strong Positivity theme have a contagious enthusiasm. Their upbeat attitude gets others excited about what is going on.

Positivity strength looks like this:

  • They approach the day with a cup half full, they will continually find the positive spin in any situation.

  • Positivity folks are naturally liberal with their praise, spreading good feelings and general appreciation for others.

  • The optimism they have helps others look to the future with anticipation and hope. Money loves to talk about the future and what can be possible. They know that talking about our dreams out loud helps them become expectations, and eventually, a reality.

Money’s enthusiasm is contagious and they love to celebrate. That’s why they love to commemorate reaching a good milestone. Think full body excitement, some dancing, singing, and even ringing some bells. 


Faith links all things. They have a strong belief that every event has a reason.

Connectedness strength shows up as:

  • There is no “us” and “them”, they have a strong understanding of the commonalities inherent in humanity; believing in the best interests of all parties.

  • They have the ability to bring people together around shared dreams. They are the common thread in the greater whole. Money helps make connections that influence the lives of others.

  • When shared, faith can be a foundational strength especially in times of uncertainty or fear.

A team member that has a strength in Connectedness has a strong faith and spiritual belief. Incorporating a shared ritual will go far in building a strong relationship. Money naturally desires to be part of something bigger than themselves. Share your big dreams with Money and reflect back on the contribution they are making in achieving that goal.


Team members strong in Discipline enjoy routine and structure. They appreciate order in all things.

A strength in Discipline shows up as:

  • Those with high uncompromising standards and consistent delivery.

  • Calmness and composure as a side effect of a team member that is blessed with a sense of order.

  • Performance objectives spur their efforts; they love to be productive.

As the team lead, give this team member the opportunity to bring structure to a chaotic situation. Money does not appreciate messy circumstances, they need order and predictability. Make sure to set priorities for them, and once that schedule is set, stick to it.


Those that are strong with Belief have certain core values that are unchanging and will define the purpose of their life. For Money, that value is abundance.

Team members with a strong Belief strength will:

  • Have a shared value system that will create a strong deep bond with others.

  • Show strong passion that equips this team member to take the lead to fight for their convictions.

  • Have meaning and purpose that they are working for, often providing direction and inspiring others to live into their purposes to create the change they desire to see in the world.

Money will naturally share the strongest values of the business. Through the action that Money takes, it will create value for your organization’s culture. Money is best when it is of service to others.

Now, this was a fun exercise for me. I love this tool for creating a stronger relationship with your team. Talking to the strengths of your team makes them feel seen and appreciated. You can also use the tool before you start the hiring process. When you take the time to identify the top 3-5 strengths for a possible new team member, it will help you with the interview selection process. It helps create a physical representation of an idea that started out as a desire.

That’s why I used this tool to create a physical representation of the support I need most from Money. Now I can speak to the strengths and qualities that I can benefit from or that inspire the big dream of the business.

What strengths resonated with you? Which ones would you like to replace? Interested in crafting your own strengths for Money? Let’s schedule a conversation.

Book a free call


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